RSV Bronchiolitis

The start of school and the cooler weather typically starts a wave of illness in our kids. People gathering in groups indoors allows germs to spread and our youngest patients are particularly good at sharing germs: they drool, can’t wipe their nose and put everything in their mouths. This year, we are seeing a higher […]
Fat and Cholesterol

The South Lake Pediatrics blog continues to focus on the topic of nutrition and your child in 2022. Each month, we will bring you information on one of many topics in this subject. If there is a particular nutritional question you think would be interesting to learn more about, please feel free to leave a […]
How Toddlers Eat

The South Lake Pediatrics blog continues to focus on the topic of nutrition and your child in 2022. We hope you enjoy our latest edition. Is my child eating enough? This is a question I hear often at well visits, especially when kids enter the toddler stage. As anyone who has had a toddler before […]
Back to School With Delta

Summer in Minnesota is always my favorite time of year. I look forward to lazy days spent in the sunshine on a lake. This year was even a little sweeter because the beginning of the summer coincided with a drop in the Covid-19 cases. For many people, the masks came off and people gathered again […]
Common Injuries in Growing Athletes

Thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine and plummeting COVID-19 cases our kids are back to playing sports full force, yay! With this increase in activity I have been seeing a lot more sports related injuries this spring. There are two common causes of heel and knee pain that are unique to children and teenagers because they […]
Spring Into a Fresh Start

It’s hard to believe that we have been living with COVID-19 for over a year now. As I reflect back on this past year, I am so proud of the resiliency that I have seen in so many kids, their families and members of the community that has gotten us through this together. One thing […]
Return to Play After COVID-19

As I am writing this article the COVID-19 cases in Minnesota continue to rise at a rapid pace. It remains true that children who get COVID-19 typically have mild symptoms and recover quickly without problems. However, as we learn more about this virus we are learning more about it’s potential to cause serious problems such […]
Why Your Pediatrician Wants to See Your Kids for Well Visits

These last 6 months have been a blur with the COVID-19 pandemic, I can hardly believe it is September and school has started again. I remember the feeling of great uncertainty earlier this year when this virus was starting to spread and we quickly closed schools, cancelled appointments, sports games and put life on hold […]
I’m Hungry

As a parent, I’m used to hearing the phrase “I’m hungry” but unfortunately I’m also used to hearing “I don’t like that”. I think it’s safe to say that all parents want their children to eat healthy foods, but what can you do when your child would prefer to eat something else. A balanced diet […]
Get Outside

The weather is turning colder, the days are shorter and daylight savings time has made darkness come earlier in the evening. These factors make it harder for all of us to keep our bodies moving in the winter months. Much like bears who hibernate for the winter, many of us naturally want to spend less […]