A Fond Farewell to a Wonderful Career

There are many milestones worth noting in one’s life. I am moving rapidly towards one of those milestones. On September 4, I will celebrate my retirement from 41 years as a pediatrician and 33 years at South Lake Pediatrics. It is a bittersweet time – the anticipation of more spaciousness in my life, more time […]
Bedwetting in Children

The medical term for bedwetting is “nocturnal (night-time) enuresis (incontinence)”. Enuresis is divided into two forms – monosymptomatic and non-monosymptomatic. Monosymptomatic means that there are no daytime urinary symptoms, including no daytime accidents. This most common type of enuresis has two forms – 80% of children in this category have primary enuresis, meaning they have […]
Why bring your child in for a well check?

“My son is so healthy. Why does he need a well check?” “My daughter had so much illness last winter, she saw the doctor ten times. Why does she need to come again for a well check?” “The sports form only needs to be completed every three years. Isn’t that often enough to come in […]
MMR and Autism

MMR and Autism – How did the suggestion of a link get started? It should come as no surprise to anyone that the overwhelming majority of our patients follow the expert recommendations for vaccine schedules. But, whether you are a parent who confidently follows your doctor’s advice about immunizations for your child, one who has […]
Haiti Companions

The country of Haiti is the western half of the island of Hispaniola, in the Caribbean Ocean just 600 miles from Miami. The eastern half of the island is the Dominican Republic. While most of the Caribbean islands are Spanish speaking, the people of Haiti speak Haitian Creole, a synthesis of French and African dialects. […]