Fat and Cholesterol

The South Lake Pediatrics blog continues to focus on the topic of nutrition and your child in 2022. Each month, we will bring you information on one of many topics in this subject. If there is a particular nutritional question you think would be interesting to learn more about, please feel free to leave a […]

Common Sense Eating

As the new year comes and goes, I hear so many people talking about resolutions, often related to “diet”. I also read about different fad diets- restricting this, avoiding that, eliminating entire food groups. As a pediatrician, these “diets” really frustrate me. Decades of research and thousands of years of human existence have proven again […]

Why is Calcium Important?

You may recall the slogans “Got Milk?” and “Milk! It does a body good.” It true! Milk is good for our body! Why? One reason is its high calcium content. Calcium is an important mineral that is needed to build strong bones teeth. Not only that, but getting enough in childhood will help keep your […]