A Mom’s Perspective

About a year ago, I wrote a blog about the Minnesota newborn screen. At the end, I told a story about a family of mine that had been picked up early on that screen for a deadly disease. What I didn’t say was that the mom of those boys is our much beloved Jamie McAnelly. […]
Baby #2

Congratulations! You just found out you’re due with your second baby. Now you have a toddler to run after and you are wondering how am I going to manage this? Well, good news is that you have a lot of experience with babies now!! More than you had before, right? We are expecting our second […]
So how did it really go?

Last month, I wrote a post on potty-training and traveling with children. I wanted to send out an update on how it all went! Because we all know that real life doesn’t always translate the way we hoped or planned for it to go. As far as potty-training went, we were really lucky. I think […]
Road Trip Survival Guide

Over the 4th of July, my husband and I are planning a 13 hour road trip to Colorado which actually equates to 2 days of traveling in the car with our 2.5 year old. We could fly but we opted to drive so we can make some stops along the way to see family and […]
Child-Led Potty Training

Oh the joys of getting rid of diapers and the dreaded “potty training”. There is so much information out there now about how and when to potty train. You could train an infant if you wanted but this is clearly “adult-led” training because there are 3 key components that must be in place in order […]
Attention + Behavior = More of the Same Behavior

Does it feel like your child is stuck in a pattern of seeking negative attention? Biting, hitting, screaming, throwing food and crying at your leg when you just want to enjoy a sip of coffee? My husband and I are in the thick of parenting our sweet but strong willed 2.5 year old. He is […]