Winter Car Seat Safety

Believe it or not, winter is upon us again.  The days of throwing on flip flops and running out the door are coming to an end.  We are spending extra time in the morning adding layers of clothing as the temperatures drop.  It’s a good time to review how to keep kids safe in a […]

Staying Healthy During Minnesota Winters

Winter in Minnesota usually means an increase in illnesses such as influenza, strep throat, RSV, vomiting and diarrhea. Parents would like to do everything they can to keep their children healthy. Priority #1—be sure your child’s vaccinations are up to date. So far this season, there have been 15 million cases of influenza illnesses, 140,000 […]

Get Outside

The weather is turning colder, the days are shorter and daylight savings time has made darkness come earlier in the evening. These factors make it harder for all of us to keep our bodies moving in the winter months. Much like bears who hibernate for the winter, many of us naturally want to spend less […]

Seasonal Allergies

We are just about out of our Minnesota winter and with the snow almost gone many of you and your children are already feeling your seasonal allergies starting up again. That all too familiar itchy eyes, watery nose and sneezing will soon be back in full force. There are many things you can do to […]

Common Colds

This time of year we expect colds to come fast and furious to daycares and elementary schools. It is not at all uncommon for a child’s first winter in daycare or school to catch 10–12 colds. Each of the colds tend to last 10–14 days. That means that your child’s first winter exposed to other […]