Breastfeeding Pain

Ouch!! Even though you have gotten through the early stages of breastfeeding and everything seemed to be going well suddenly you are experiencing pain again. What is happening!?! Here are some of the most common reasons you are experiencing pain. A yeast infection. Yeast is a common cause of pain. Yeast loves to grow in […]
Pierced Ears

Ear piercing is a common cultural practice but when deciding on whether or not to have your child get pierced ears or when it is age appropriate can be challenging. I would not recommend rushing this decision and just getting it done someday when walking by the local Claire’s. Let’s start with when to get […]
Meatless Monday

Taking a day a week to eat plant based is good for your health and for the planet! We all get into our habits of what we eat on a routine basis. Some it comes from how we grew up and some is convenience. My family grew up on the traditional Meat and Potato with […]
Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is when we break our nightly fast, literally. And our bodies need this fuel to concentrate better at school and work, have needed energy to start the day and make better food choices throughout the day. I don’t believe in skipping meals but if skipping […]
Dangerous Trend Alert: JUUL

A JUUL is a nicotine vapor delivery device that is popular with young adults and teenagers. The device looks like an average flash drive. JUUL operates by heating a “pod” of e-liquid containing nicotine, flavorings and other substances. When heated, the e-liquid creates an aerosol which is inhaled by the user. Because of the size, […]
Parenting Can Be Difficult

Parenting can be difficult no matter how young or old you are when you start. As they say it is the hardest job you will ever love. During a slower mid-afternoon in clinic I was talking to one of our younger Medical Assistants about parenting. She had some very wise advice I’d like to share: […]
Nutrition and Sports

Nutrition is a key aspect of health and wellness for any child. It can be especially important for the teenager involved in athletic activities. Young athletes are vulnerable to the diet fads and misinformation often found in social media and may lead to harm instead of improved performance. Research continues to support a healthy diet […]

Many coaches now have taken an online course about concussions and how to assess for one. As a parent it’s important to know the symptoms and importance of concussions as well since symptoms sometimes don’t occur right away. A fall or collision can lead to the brain hitting the skull. This causes a bruise on […]
Cold and Allergy Remedies when Moms are Breastfeeding

It is the season for coughs and colds. As a mom you always worry; if you get sick who will care for the kids?!? This seems especially concerning when you have a new baby in the household. As always, we recommend prevention first. Wash hands often, rest, eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated. And […]
Why take Vitamin D

School is in session and the weather is getting cooler. Are your kids getting enough Vitamin D? Probably not. Vitamin D is a product that our bodies make when we are exposed to sunlight. In Minnesota, July and August are the only months that we get enough sunlight, based on our latitude. Additionally, people with dark skin or use […]