School Avoidance

We are a few weeks into the new school year. For many families, the return to routine andstructure is a relief. However, for some, the start of a school year can be quite stressful.Inevitably, South Lake starts getting phone calls about how to help a child or teen that doesn’twant to go to school. Whether […]

Parent Support and Practical Strategies When You Need Them Most

Erin Walsh, co-founder of Spark and Stitch Institute, is a parent, speaker, educator, and writer. She has worked with communities across the country who want to better understand child and adolescent development and cut through conflicting information about kids and technology. Check out her blog below to learn about some great and easy opportunities for parent […]

Teen Driving/Distracted Driving

Congratulations!! Your teen has passed the driver’s test. You must be very proud and if you are at all like me, you are a bit terrified. The statistics on teen drivers are scary! Car crashes took more than 2,400 young lives in 2016- that’s 6 teen deaths per day. All new drivers- even straight ‘A’ […]